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Ethiopia Bookissa Espresso 1 kg

The waiting for dry processed Ethiopian single origin espresso is over! We bring you this amazing coffee from the Bookissa farm in the Guji region. It brings you notes of wild strawberries, sweetness of butterbiscuits and creamy notes of white chocolate.

Ethiopia Bookissa Espresso 1 kg

Your price (Incl. VAT)
1 180 Kč
Out of stock
Country Ethiopia
Farm Bookissa, Dambi Uddo, Shakisso
Varietal Arabica Heirloom
Processing Natural
Crop January 2023

Guji is known for its specific flavour profile thanks to the coffee varieties that are grown here at high altitude (2.100-2.300 masl) surrounded by the local forest.

The King of Guji

Behind Bookissa stands Ture Waji from Sookoo Coffee, also known as "The King of Guji". And why? Ture has a very strong relationship to this region where he also grew up. He worked for Mormora and Guji Highlands Coffee after his studies. You may have tried coffees from these companies roasted by us too. Ture became an independant producer of coffee thanks to the changes in Ethiopian coffee market in 2018. Allegedly he produces one of the best natural Ethiopian coffees. And we couldn´t agree more.

Sookoo Coffees

Sookoo Coffees company runs processing stations in the Guji region, specifically Shakisso and Uraga. They work mostly with small farmers who they teach better care of their farms and coffee trees. They like organic way of farming. To be fair, most of farming in Ethiopia is organic. But Sookoo Coffees has got a certificate to actually prove it.

Perfect processing

Coffee cherries are picked in the afternoon and brought to the processing station in the evening on the same day. That way you can minimize any unwanted fermentation in cherries caused by high temperatures during the day. They select cherries very carefully in order to get rid of unripe or overripe cherries. Cherries are dried in layers of maximum four centimeters. And they get rolled over six times a day to avoid another unwanted fermentation and defects. Drying takes 28 days. Such a detailed and prefect processing is reflected in a great flavour, sweet notes, creamy body and clean taste.

Ture never stops improving his coffee processing. He builds more and more African beds covered by shade for drying coffee cherries or additional cherry selection in the drymill. He started processing washed coffees too and experimenting with controlled frementation processes.

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