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Bolivia Kusillo

Juicy and exotic coffee from the Single Origin Filter range - Farm. Coffee from the Kusillo farm of the Bolivian Rodriguez family. The specific processing gives the coffee a taste of juicy strawberries and chocolate.

Bolivia Kusillo

Your price (Incl. VAT)
485 Kč
Out of stock
Country Bolivia
Farm Kusillo, Caranavi
Varietal Arabica Java
Processing Coco Natural
Crop September 2023
Partnership 4 years
Coffee type Wholebean
Flavour Juicy & Exotic

Kusillo Farm

Kusillo is one of several farms of the Rodriguez family. We buy coffee from them since 2020. However, we have coffee directly from this farm for the first year. During our autumn visit to Bolivia, it captivated us with its fun flavor, characteristic of coco natural processing. Each year, we focus on selecting Java coffee varieties, which are not often found elsewhere.

In Aymara, Kusillo means monkey - a figure that spreads humor and good mood during cultural festivals. The farm is located in the important eco-region of Yungas, known for its species diversity of fauna and flora. Additionally, coffee trees grow here in the shade of banana trees. Generally, shade and biodiversity play a crucial role in quality coffee.

Farm Coffee Family

Farm Coffee Family
The Farm coffee family creates the heart of our offer. Seasonal selection of lots grown by responsible farmers with whom doubleshot maintains strong long-term relationships. Uncompromising respect for the nature, people, and beans reflected in the resulting taste.

How does this coffee taste?

A cup of this coffee is full-bodied and creamy. Ripe strawberries with a hint of milk chocolate and walnuts dominate the flavor. The taste evolves with each sip.

The best way to enjoy this coffee is with Pulsar

NextLevel Pulsar
NextLevel Pulsar
1 500 Kč

Rodriguez Family

The Rodriguez family is working to reintroduce specialty coffee cultivation in Bolivia. With their approach, they support dozens of farms and strive to offer growers an alternative to coca cultivation. They have 12 farms in the Caranavi and Samaipata regions, which also serve as model farms for their Sol De La Mañana program. This is a social and educational program for 100 farmers.

They place great emphasis on organic coffee cultivation. They grow popular varieties such as geisha, java, caturra, or Kenyan SL28. In addition to coffee itself, they also produce dried coffee flowers and cascara.

Biography: Rodriguez Family
Biography: Rodriguez Family
Read about Agricafe´s projects in detail.

Java Variety

The Java variety is not as widespread and well-known. It originally comes from Africa, specifically Ethiopia. It was brought to Java by the Dutch in the early 19th century. It only reached Latin America in the 1990s. Its qualities, when properly cultivated, stand up to comparison with the much-talked-about geisha variety. However, it is more resistant to coffee tree diseases such as coffee rust or CBD (coffee berry disease). Notice the elegant elongated shape of the beans.

Coco Natural Processing

The specific fruity flavor is due to the processing. The cherries were dried on African beds first for 5 days in direct sunlight and then in special drying containers at a maximum temperature of 40°C, for 20 days. These open containers are a rarity worldwide. Heat comes from gas burners, and the coffee is regularly turned over. The flavor profile depends mainly on the amount of cherries in the container and the frequency of turning.

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