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Farm: Buenavista
Location: San Augustin, Huila, Colombia (map)
Varieties: caturra, geisha
Size: 4.5ha
Altitude: 1800 m.a.s.l.
Harvest: October - December, March - June
Competitions: SCAA Coffee of the Year 2009 and 2010
Purchasing their coffee: since 2010
Carlos has owned the farm together with his wife Yolanda and their five children for over 29 years. We are glad that they all see their future in the world of premium coffee, too. Diego works on his father's part of the farm and focuses on improvements and modernization of processes. Sonia and Ever took over a part of the farm. Didier works as a QC for the Caravela export company, through which we buy their coffee. During the season, you will taste several different lots, which are the result of the work of the whole family. During the year, they can produce up to 17 tons of coffee in parchment from their 30,000 coffee tree bushes.
We are currently one of three roasters which buy all coffee produced by the Imbachi family.
The Buenavista farm is located at 1,800 meters above sea level near the town of San Augustin in the very south of Colombia. On an area of 4.5 hectares, the family grows the caturra variety, which thrives at the local climate, as confirmed by the two first places in the SCAA Coffee of the Year competition, won in 2009 and 2010.
We currently buy coffee 3-4 times a year from the Imbachi family. With other growing countries, only one purchase per year is a standard. The Huila region is specific for its climatic conditions, which support cherry harvesting and processing, de facto, year-round. Traditionally, the main harvest (principal) lasts from October to December, while the secondary harvest (mitaca) takes place from March to June. However, this division is slowly losing its merits.
After picking and pressing the coffee beans using a traditional peeler, the fermentation process starts and lasts about 16 hours. Drying takes place in an elevated "dryer" (called secadero), which protects the grains from everyday rain and guarantees sufficient air circulation.
The taste of the Imbachi family coffee can vary a bit during the year, as there are a total of 15-20 different micro lots (in 100 to 1,000kg in sizes) harvested and processed at different times. Their coffee has a typical Huily region taste profile. The aroma includes sugar cane, plums and tropical fruits. On the palate, there are traces of raisins in chocolate, plums and nuts.
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